Version: v1.0.0 Author: coaeasy
- 20$ / week (subject to change and not including client access)
Combat Settings
Ability Options
- Use Darkness: Automatically activates the Darkness ability when available
- Movement Abilities:
- Use Surge: Enables Surge ability during movement
- Use Dive: Enables Dive ability during movement
- Use Teleports: Allows teleportation during movement
Targeting Options
- Attack Range: Sets the maximum distance to target NPCs (0-30 tiles)
Prayer Settings
- Auto Prayer Switching: Automatically switches protection prayers based on monster attack styles
- Use Curse Prayers: Uses Deflect prayers instead of Protect prayers
- Prayer Categories:
- Protective: Soul Split, Protect/Deflect prayers
- Melee: Melee-boosting prayers
- Ranged: Ranged-boosting prayers
- Magic: Magic-boosting prayers
- Necromancy: Necromancy-related prayers
- Prayer Restoration:
- Prayer Restore Potions: Uses prayer/restore potions when prayer points drop below set percentage
- Prayer Renewal: Maintains prayer renewal buff
- Elven Ritual Shard: Uses the shard when available for prayer restoration
- Combat Potions:
- Overloads: Maintains overload buff
- Antifire: Uses antifire potions (automatic for dragon tasks)
- Weapon Poison: Maintains weapon poison buff
- Aggression Potion: Uses aggression potions to draw monster attention
- Charming Potion: Uses charming potions for increased charm drops
Slayer Settings
Basic Configuration
- Slayer Master Selection: Choose your preferred Slayer master
- Point Farming: Enables efficient Slayer point farming
- Speed Farming Mode: Optimizes movement for faster tasks
- Custom Highest Master: Select specific master for bonus point tasks
Task Management
- NPC Contact: Uses NPC Contact spell to get new tasks (must be on action bar)
- Bank on Full Inventory: Automatically banks when inventory is full
- Task Block List: Manage list of tasks to block/skip
- Cancel Only: Only cancels tasks instead of blocking them
Safety Features
- Low Health Teleport: Automatically teleports when health drops below set percentage
- Teleport Options:
- War's Retreat: Uses War's Retreat teleport
- Archaeology Book: Uses Archaeology teleport
- Max Guild: Uses Max Guild teleport
Loot Settings
Area Looting
- Enable Area Loot: Automatically loots items in area
- Loot Range: Sets distance for area looting (tiles)
- Loot Delay: Delay between looting items
Loot Options
- Loot All: Picks up all items except blacklisted ones
- Loot All Stackables: Only picks up stackable items
- Use Value Threshold: Only picks up items that meet the game's monetary value threshold (must be enabled in game settings)
- Use Magic Notepaper: Automatically notes specific items
- High Alchemy: Performs high alchemy on specified items
Loot Lists
- Items to Loot: Custom list of items to pick up
- Notepaper Items: Items to use notepaper on
- Alchemy Items: Items to high alchemize
- Blacklist: Items to never pick up
- Ensure area looting is enabled in-game settings with 1 item opens loot inventory
- For value-based looting, configure your preferred value threshold in the game settings
- Bank presets should be properly configured in-game before use
Extra Features
Bones and Ashes
- Auto-bury Bones: Automatically buries bones
- Auto-scatter Ashes: Automatically scatters ashes
- Custom Lists: Configure which bones/ashes to process
World Hopping
- World Type: Choose between P2P/F2P worlds
- Player Check: Hops when players are detected within range
- World Criteria: Set ping and player count preferences
Break System
- Task Delay: Time between tasks
- Break Duration: Length of breaks
- Break Scheduling: Configure multiple break periods
Preset Management
- Use Preset Manager: Enables custom bank presets
- Default Preset: Set default preset number
- Task Presets: Configure specific presets for different tasks
- Ensure area looting is enabled in-game settings
- NPC Contact must be on action bar for automatic task getting
- For dragon tasks, antifire protection is automatically enabled
- Prayer switching works best with appropriate prayers unlocked
- Bank presets should be properly configured in-game before use