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SanctumWithUs [Normal]

   Version: v1.3   Author: Pizzanova



  • $60 USD / month (not including client access)
  • Sanctum of Rebirth is still very new, So any GP/H Claims are very volitale.



  • SanctumWithUs Script: Completes runescapes newest boss dungeon Sanctum of Rebirth on normal mode!
  • Customizable Settings: Many settings to try and get it perfect for your account.
  • Safety Features: Various failsafes to ensure you don't get stuck. (If you found ur account logged out and cant find why read list below.)
  • Current GP Rates: Since Sanctum of Rebirth is new, no droprates have been released yet, and current item prices are very volitale so i dont feel comftable giving a GP Estimate.
  • Average Kill Times: Averaging around 8 Min dungeon complete time on Bis charcters currently.
Safety Features Details
  • Teleport to Wars and logout if any of these conditions become true:
    • If you run out of Divine Charges.
    • If your preset is missing items.
    • If your missing Runes OR ectoplasm
    • If you have an unbankable item in your invent



The requirements here are required to take it on, make sure you meet those listed.

  • T90+ Necromancy Weapons
  • Dive ability unlocked.
  • 99+ Necromancy and all necromancy abilities and incantations unlocked from the well of Souls.
  • Overloads potions i would not recommened anything lower.
  • Plenty of PVM supplys. (Blubbers,Brews,Overloads,Adrenpots,Prayer,Runes)

Optional Requirements

Having all Possible requirements ticked off will ensure a much better kill and result from this script

  • Please note rotations with pre t95 Rotations are not fully optimal expect slightly slower results then advertised.
  • Zuk Cape
  • Essence of Finalty with the Death Grasp Ability added.
  • Vulnerability bomb.
  • Disruption shield and lunar spellbook swap.
  • Smoke cloud .
  • Good invention perks on your gear.
  • Good archeolgy relics.



Action Bar Setup


  • Check the Script console when running to see missing abiltys...
  • Make sure to resave abiltys after changing script settings.
  • Please make sure all mandatory abiltys are on your bar.
  • Please make sure any abiltys you opt in for is also on your bar.
  • CURSES_________
  • Quick Prayers 1 set to Protect from melee and T95/T99 Prayer
  • Quick Prayers 2 set to Protect from range and T95/T99 Prayer
  • Quick Prayers 3 set to Protect from magic and T95/T99 Prayer
  • Quick Prayers 4 set to Soulsplit and T95/T99 Prayer
  • Quick Prayers 1 set to Protect from melee and offensive Prayer
  • Quick Prayers 2 set to Protect from range and offensive Prayer
  • Quick Prayers 3 set to Protect from magic and offensive Prayer
  • Quick Prayers 4 set to Protect from magic and offensive Prayer
  • Quick Prayers 2 set to Protect from range and T95/T99 Prayer
  • Quick Prayers 3 set to Protect from magic and T95/T99 Prayer
  • Quick Prayers 4 set to Soulsplit and T95/T99 Prayer
  • Your offensive prayer should ideally be Sancity && the new prayer Divine Rage (Its cheap buy it.)
  • Below if ur confused on how to do


Inventory Setup


Make sure your preset contains the following...

  • An overload (any).
  • An Adrenline potion, Any works but renewals are recommended.
  • Essence of Finalty.
  • Something to restore prayer, it will support anything with "Prayer" or "Restore" in the name.
  • Vuln bombs, they are not required but make sure to have them in your inventory if uve toggled the option.
  • Brews and jellyfish, try to have a even ratio of 3 jellys to 1 brew.
  • Runepouchs / Nexus make sure you have all runes that you need for every incantation and spells that need to be cast.
  • Excalibur.
  • Ur familer, every ancient familer is supported.
  • Expensive Spices.
  • Script is in early days, please expermient with gear to see what gets you the best results.
Misc Setup

Make sure you have the following conditons true

  • Turn walk markers on.
  • Turn auto-retaliate off.
  • Full manual on, ability queuing off, auto necro basic attack off.
  • Draw distance to medium or lower.
  • Set boss portal to left portal.
  • Make sure you have plenty of divine charges, book charges, runes, and other items to run for a long time.
  • If you are using a reaver, set the autofire rate for healing.
  • If using auras, make sure your aura management is not in list view.



  • 2024-07-29


    • Fixed split soul not been conditonal allowing the script to not work for people without curses.
    • Fixed bank after 2nd boss double tp issue,
    • Fixed broken logic causing issues at boss 2 & 3 with high view distance
    • Slight optimisations
    • Added lots of toggles to save runes.
  • 2024-07-25


    • Regular prayers added.
    • QP1 = Melee QP2 = Range QP3 = Mage QP4 = Mage < quick prayer setup needed for normal prayers.
    • Toggle for using t95 equipment. (Allows lower tiers to be used.)
    • Toggle for using Zuk cape.
    • Lord of bones added.
    • Vengeance added.
    • Can disable vuln on the boss 2 obelisks and boss 3 dogs to save bombs.
    • Added Ritual shard support.
    • Fixed Worldhop.
    • Fixed missing variables on the lootchest for boss1&2.
    • Fixed defensive overlap if using disrupt shield.
    • Option to bank after 2nd boss (For low level accounts that need more food).
  • 2024-07-24


    • Release