Version: v1.0.0 Author: Uberith
- Cost: 3 Coins / Week (not including client access)
- Automatic Ore Selection: Dynamically adjusts to mine user-specified ores, with options to filter by location or ore type, ensuring optimal mining paths.
- Location Mapping: Supports mining at popular locations like Burthorpe, Dwarven Mine, Draynor Village, and more, with precise coordinates for ores, banks, and forges.
- Persistent Settings: Saves user preferences such as the selected location, ore type, and banking/forge options to maintain continuity across sessions.
- Ore Box Integration: Detects ore boxes in the player’s inventory, automating their usage to free up space and maximize efficiency during mining.
- Forge and Bank Automation: Determines whether to bank ores or use a forge, dynamically choosing the appropriate destination based on user preferences.
- Customizable Completion Criteria: Allows users to set goals such as mining a specific number of ores or completing a task at a specific location.
- Member-Only Ores and Locations: Supports premium ores and locations like Gold, Mithril, and Adamantite, as well as restricted areas like the Mining Guild.
- Real-Time Inventory Monitoring: Detects when the backpack is full and triggers the appropriate action, such as depositing at a bank or using a forge.
- User-Friendly Debugging: Includes a debug panel to track script activity and performance, aiding in optimization and troubleshooting.
- Multi-Location Adaptation: Optimized paths and behaviors for over 10 mining locations, each tailored to its unique ores and resources.
Supported Locations
- Barbarian Village
- Burthorpe
- Draynor Village
- Dwarven Mine
- Dwarven Mine - Miners Guild
- Garden of Kharid
- Lumbridge Swamp East
- Lumbridge Swamp West
- Manor Farm
- Mudskipper Point
- Port Sarim
- Varrock - Rune Essence
- Varrock - East
- Varrock - West
Supported Ores
- Clay
- Copper
- Tin
- Coal
- Iron
- Silver
- Gold
- Mithril
- Adamantite
- Runite
- Blurite
- Luminite
- Orichalcite
- Must be equipped with a pickaxe suitable for the ores being mined.
- If using an ore box, it must be compatible with the selected ores.
- For members-only ores or locations, the player must have an active membership.
Menu Screens
Menu Screens
Product Roadmap
Product Roadmap
- Player Suggestion: Implement support for Juju mining potions and other boosts to enhance mining efficiency.
- Add support for player-driven automation goals, such as mining a full inventory of ores and then smelting at a forge.
- Improve pathfinding and avoidance of high-traffic areas to optimize efficiency in competitive environments.
- Introduce anomaly detection for real-time adjustments to script behavior, including small variations in mining and movement patterns.
- Implement support for multiple mining tasks within a single session, such as switching between ore types or locations dynamically.
- Full Release
- Open Beta Release